Before the last date on that letter our expense account has to be done.
These letters of thanks cannot be started as one expects to start.
The reason can at once be told. Because four characters are kept out.
These four characters are excluded for good reason, rest assured.
She thanked us and he extolled the planners for the state of the planes.
At the best houses, are useless people often sacked or expelled?
Our parks attendant has left the expense accounts untouched so far.
Useful, of course, that such large dogs can be taxed at those huge kennels.
Peter should undertake to excuse her for the crude sketches she has done.
Shall the full truth be told about the express knocker?
As usual she upset the extra fern sacks under the upholstered couches.
All our fresh punk extras are needed on the set at noon for a rehearsal.
Has a poor skunk an extra strong scent and black streaked fur?
Both a neuropath and a keen naturopath can affect such expert cures.
Look, for that paragraph to be of real use, please let us exchange one phrase.
Should that external task be shouldered here or there?
All her expense sheets can be sent back to the tax collector.
She left here hours and hours ago, after she had an apple for lunch.
This is the end of Unit 2. When you are ready, please continue to Unit 3.