3D 90 QWERTY Exercise 2d
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 2d:
As before - the earlier exercises were for training. This exercise is for practice.
Key right through these four lines as many times as you think you need.
If this is your first time it will be valuable for you NOT to watch your fingers (and do not worry too much about mistakes).
Click into the box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Exercise 2d:
As before - the earlier exercises were for training. This exercise is for practice.
Key right through these four lines as many times as you think you need.
If this is your first time it will be valuable for you NOT to watch your fingers (and do not worry too much about mistakes).
Click into the box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
You should also be able to practice shift with the arrow keys to highlight, cut (control X) paste (control V) and undo (control Z).
Do not overtire your hands on these practice sessions, take regular rests.
And please do not key while tired.
Do not overtire your hands on these practice sessions, take regular rests.
And please do not key while tired.