3D 89 QWERTY Exercise 1b
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 1b:
This exercise is for the left hand so use the right hand shift key for capital letters.
Always start each row with your fingers on the home row.
Repeat each row three times as for the previous exercise.
Exercise 1b:
This exercise is for the left hand so use the right hand shift key for capital letters.
Always start each row with your fingers on the home row.
Repeat each row three times as for the previous exercise.
Click into each box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Don't forget - you are training your eyes too! Try not to watch your fingers, a few errors are acceptable if you are just starting. In a training session the errors are not important, do not go back to correct them, repeat the exercise until they do not occur.
It is important to learn to use the shift key on the opposite hand to the letters. In this case the right hand shift key for letters on the left hand. This does require extra learning (extra neural work), and is slightly slower for beginners too, but the benefit is that the work is distributed better across both hands.
It is important to learn to use the shift key on the opposite hand to the letters. In this case the right hand shift key for letters on the left hand. This does require extra learning (extra neural work), and is slightly slower for beginners too, but the benefit is that the work is distributed better across both hands.