3D 90 QWERTY - Finger Muscle Relaxation
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Instructions for working through the exercises.
Finger Muscle Relaxation.
All the time that you keyed on a standard Sholes Qwerty keyboard the muscles of your fingers contracted so that you could key on rows that were fixed in a flat, horizontal plane. The muscles of the middle fingers particularly had to draw the fingers up to work at the same length as the index and ring finger while the little finger had to stretch as much as it could. This usually resulted in keying with what are generally described as "short, stabbing movements".
Now that you are keying on the MALTRON keyboard which is shaped to fit different finger lengths it will take some little while for your finger muscles to recognise that they need no longer be contracted all the time and that contraction work is now balanced by stretched work. Within some several weeks, as the relaxation occurs, you will find that you are able to key with smooth, easy flowing mini finger movements.
Instructions for working through the exercises.
Finger Muscle Relaxation.
All the time that you keyed on a standard Sholes Qwerty keyboard the muscles of your fingers contracted so that you could key on rows that were fixed in a flat, horizontal plane. The muscles of the middle fingers particularly had to draw the fingers up to work at the same length as the index and ring finger while the little finger had to stretch as much as it could. This usually resulted in keying with what are generally described as "short, stabbing movements".
Now that you are keying on the MALTRON keyboard which is shaped to fit different finger lengths it will take some little while for your finger muscles to recognise that they need no longer be contracted all the time and that contraction work is now balanced by stretched work. Within some several weeks, as the relaxation occurs, you will find that you are able to key with smooth, easy flowing mini finger movements.