3D 90 QWERTY Exercise 5a
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 5a
The letters q and z are introduced and there is a lot of revision.
Before you key in the whole row try finding and fingering the keys for the whole row without pressing the keys.
Exercise 5a
The letters q and z are introduced and there is a lot of revision.
Before you key in the whole row try finding and fingering the keys for the whole row without pressing the keys.
Key this line three times.
Click into the box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Click into the box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
It is expected that you will return to these exercises several times. In general your body will need three or four sessions across several days to get familiar with the new shape. If this is not your first time on this exercise you should experiment with typing faster (to learn to type faster you must ignore your mistakes at first and stop watching your fingers).
Please do not type when you are tired or in pain, especially if you are suffering any RSI injury.
If your hands or wrists are feeling tired or hurt then it is best to rest, take a walk, shake your arms down by your sides and return to these exercises only when the tiredness is gone.
If you are on painkillers for RSI related inflamation then it is advisable to wait until the inflamation has gone and the painkillers are not in effect - or at most to do the fingering exercises only - without actually typing. Typing on ANY keyboard with inflamation present in your hands, wrists or upper limbs is dangerous and is NOT recommended. However if conditions require that typing is essential then gentle operation on the Maltron Keyboard may be possible and also therapeutic.
Please do not type when you are tired or in pain, especially if you are suffering any RSI injury.
If your hands or wrists are feeling tired or hurt then it is best to rest, take a walk, shake your arms down by your sides and return to these exercises only when the tiredness is gone.
If you are on painkillers for RSI related inflamation then it is advisable to wait until the inflamation has gone and the painkillers are not in effect - or at most to do the fingering exercises only - without actually typing. Typing on ANY keyboard with inflamation present in your hands, wrists or upper limbs is dangerous and is NOT recommended. However if conditions require that typing is essential then gentle operation on the Maltron Keyboard may be possible and also therapeutic.