Right hand exercise 25
Unit 5 Exercise 25
Click into each box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Are you keying accurately, has your speed improved?
You have now only one more alpha Unit to do which will introduce the last two letters of the alphabet and two more punctuation marks. When you have completed that unit, you will have done all the exercises for the letters of the alphabet that have been specially designed to help you use your single handed MALTRON keyboard accurately and with ease. Then there is a page with exercises for you to learn to key numbers.
If you do need to develop a good speed on this keyboard, take the time to rekey any exercises from this course. In particular practice the common word exercises, and also practice the exercises on the alphabet that are given in the next unit.
You may from time to time give a considerable boost to your speed and accuracy by re-keying the whole of this course, but do it faster and more accurately each time.
Have you relaxed your arm and wrist thoroughly?