Right hand exercise 33
Unit 6 Exercise 33
These sentences contain all the letters of the alphabet. This does NOT make them easy to key, it also does not make them representative of normal text; but you need to be able to key every letter with equal ease. So key each sentence three times. Then once right through the entire six lines.
Click into each box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Key each row three times:
Now - surprisingly - you should repeat the above sentences again and make a note of how many mistakes you make (do not correct the mistakes, just count them). This count of mistakes is the starting value. You should come back and do the exercises in this series again and again over a period of a few weeks to improve your accuracy. If your accuracy is already quite good, you can try to type faster (and always without watching your fingers). If you are watching your fingers you should try the exercises without watching your fingers.
Key each row three times:
That completes your formal training for the letters of the alphabet. Nothing that you ever key again, will be quite as difficult as these alphabetic sentences that you've just done. Although they are difficult it's as well to practice them many times. However you must give yourself a break by keying any general text and any of the common word phrases you choose to do, in between re-keying these sentences. You still have numbers to do.