Left Hand Exercise 3, 4A and 4B
Training Exercises for the Maltron Single Hand Keyboard
Unit 1 Exercise 3:
Common Words
These next few exercises use the very commonest words which make up 47% of all words keyed. Key each line three times at least and key as fast as your fingers will go. In these words your fingers never go far from the home row. This - of course - is part of the exercise and the MALTRON design.
Click into each box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Unit 1 Exercise 3:
Common Words
These next few exercises use the very commonest words which make up 47% of all words keyed. Key each line three times at least and key as fast as your fingers will go. In these words your fingers never go far from the home row. This - of course - is part of the exercise and the MALTRON design.
Click into each box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Unit 1 Exercise 4a
Key each of the following rows twice:
Unit 1 Exercise 4b
Don't forget to relax! It is not wise to practice keying while your hand is tired.
Key these next rows at least three times each:
Relax your arm from the shoulder right down to the finger tips thoroughly. Shake your fingers and wrist.