3D 90 QWERTY Exercise 3c
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 3c:
Key each line three times.
Key right through the four lines at least once and repeat as many times as you think you need.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Exercise 3c:
Key each line three times.
Key right through the four lines at least once and repeat as many times as you think you need.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Do not overtire your hands on these practice sessions, take regular rests.
And please do not key while tired.
NOTE: Your body does not learn only one thing at a time. If you watch your fingers while typing, your whole body and nervous system is building a connection between what you see and what you key - in the end your body will have learnt to keep your fingers waiting for your eyes to give confirmation; touch typing will not follow.
It is the same with posture - exercise with good posture.
In learning the positions of the MALTRON keys you will also learn where letters are. For your first time with these early exercises do not stop to delete your mistakes. It is better to redo the exercise until they do not occur.
And please do not key while tired.
NOTE: Your body does not learn only one thing at a time. If you watch your fingers while typing, your whole body and nervous system is building a connection between what you see and what you key - in the end your body will have learnt to keep your fingers waiting for your eyes to give confirmation; touch typing will not follow.
It is the same with posture - exercise with good posture.
In learning the positions of the MALTRON keys you will also learn where letters are. For your first time with these early exercises do not stop to delete your mistakes. It is better to redo the exercise until they do not occur.