3D 89 QWERTY - Exercises for Stretching to Numbers 1
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Instructions for working through the exercises.
On the MALTRON keyboard the fingers can reach the numbers easily. This leads to a better sense of location and less wrist turning, but this movement is not what you may be used to - so these exercises are here to help you find the home row and adjust to the straight column location of the keys.
Instructions for working through the exercises.
On the MALTRON keyboard the fingers can reach the numbers easily. This leads to a better sense of location and less wrist turning, but this movement is not what you may be used to - so these exercises are here to help you find the home row and adjust to the straight column location of the keys.
Each group of 3 belongs to one finger. The index fingers get two groups each.
Click into the box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Click into the box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
If this is the first time you have tried this exercise do not worry about how it feels or about typing errors. It can take a few days for your body to 'learn' the new simpler movements
Put your fingers on the home keys and then try to do this exercise. Watch your fingers the first time to be sure you are using the correct finger for each column. Then after that try it without watching your fingers - each group of 3 belongs to one finger only.
Do not worry about spacing - it is enough to type one space between each group and the Return key at the end.