3D 89 QWERTY - Exercises for Stretching to Numbers 2
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Instructions for working through the exercises.
Exercises for Stretching to Numbers - continued
Each group of 3 belongs to one finger, on the right hand. The index fingers get two groups each:
Instructions for working through the exercises.
Exercises for Stretching to Numbers - continued
Each group of 3 belongs to one finger, on the right hand. The index fingers get two groups each:
Click into the box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Click into the box at the end of the first line and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
When keying it is very valuable to NOT look at the keys. This means you must trust your fingers and not give up or worry about the mistakes when you are just beginning. After the first row when you have seen the keys and which fingers are used then you must try to work without watching your fingers. When you are just beginning it is NOT important to get every key right. Use your eyes on the screen.
If you learn to key watching your fingers closely then you are training your fingers to wait for your eyes to approve every key. Your nervous system learns all the time and it will learn the connection if you reinforce it.