3D 89 QWERTY Exercise 7
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 7:
Key each line three times.
This practice of the alphabet and punctuation ensures your fingers pick up the location of all the keys in the alphabet. You can do these exercises regularly in the future whenever you think of it. As well as training your fingers you are developing a connection between your thinking of a letter and your keying of it.
Whilst practicing you should be especially careful to ensure good conditions: good posture, a well placed keyboard and for best results don't watch your fingers. Do not practice when tired.
In this exercise type a space between each key.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Exercise 7:
Key each line three times.
This practice of the alphabet and punctuation ensures your fingers pick up the location of all the keys in the alphabet. You can do these exercises regularly in the future whenever you think of it. As well as training your fingers you are developing a connection between your thinking of a letter and your keying of it.
Whilst practicing you should be especially careful to ensure good conditions: good posture, a well placed keyboard and for best results don't watch your fingers. Do not practice when tired.
In this exercise type a space between each key.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Key backwards with a space between each letter.
Of course, once you have mastered these you can vary the exercises. Useful variations include:
Posture is especially important during practice. Also - please do not tire yourself with practice.
- Repeating these exercises using capitals (practice using the correct shift keys).
- Practice for speed without watching your fingers (and without deleting your mistakes).
- Practice for accuracy without watching.
- Practice just fingering the keys without actually keying them.
- Practice keying with the softest touch possible.
Posture is especially important during practice. Also - please do not tire yourself with practice.