3D 89 QWERTY Exercise 6b
Conversion Exercise from SHOLES QWERTY TO Maltron QWERTY
Exercise 6b:
Key each line three times as before.
Take a look to find the keys before you start - then try it without watching your fingers. Remember to try moving your fingers without moving your hands - this makes it easier to keep the fingers on the home row. A little stretching is acceptable - but it is minimised.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Exercise 6b:
Key each line three times as before.
Take a look to find the keys before you start - then try it without watching your fingers. Remember to try moving your fingers without moving your hands - this makes it easier to keep the fingers on the home row. A little stretching is acceptable - but it is minimised.
Click into each box at the end of the text and press Enter (Return) to start typing.
Posture is important. Is your posture correct?